Wednesday, August 31, 2022


It looks as if I’ve taken a vacation from blogging. Here I am, the last day of August. It is time to post for this month. In case you haven’t noticed, I completely missed July. The truth of the matter is; I’ve not had one creative writing thought for the majority of this summer. I’ve been lost in the garden. That is a nice place to be, watching plants grow. There is the flower garden to attend to as well. I snapped the picture of some of my petunias this evening. 

It amazes me how much time a garden takes. There’s the early morning watering and harvesting. You must pick before it gets too hot. Then there is processing, either by canning or freezing. My satisfaction is well stocked fruit on the pantry shelves and a full freezer. I am also rewarded by the variety of colors of the flowers that have blossomed all summer long.

 September arrives tomorrow and I look forward to the geese returning to our field. Truth is, they have already made an appearance here. They gather in small flocks at first and later in the fall they appear in greater numbers on our field eating grain left behind by the farmer after his harvest is complete. I’ve attached a poem below about the geese:

Geese on the Field

They stand, sentinels of Fall,

resting and feeding on their journey southward

ahead of the gales of Winter.

Sometimes in large flocks,

but today two small family groups.

The first seven, watch quietly as the last four

sail in like graceful jets.

I never tire of watching them.

I looked again, and their flock has grown to eighteen.

Soon, they like Fall, will be a distant memory.

I embrace them knowing this is for but a moment,

and pray the Lord of all will guide them on their journey.


Sandra Mason, 9/25/21


1 comment:

  1. From that lovely image of pink petunias to the poignant poem about those geese who stay for such a short time, this post is delightful, affirming all that is good in gardening, summer turning to fall, and that poem.
